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Some videos that I love....

Gena Kirby's Rebozo Workshop at the Farm   

from Kalli Pavon

This is the best video to share a glimps of the wonderful world of Rebozo. It was taken at a Gena Kirby Training on The Farm. I was locally trained by one of Gena's students so please feel free to ask me any questions you have about how Rebozo can be a part of your birth!

Check out Kalimana Photography + Film for more wonderful videos at

The Birth of Everly Jane
From Crowned Birth Photography

This lovely birth took place in a Colorado hospital.Click here for more Crowned Birth Photography 

9 months in a 1000 pictures
By BachiRules

Super cute video of one couples journey to parenthood.

Portrait of Lotte - 0 to 14 years in 4 min. 
From Hofmeester

This video gets me every time. It's amazing just how fast they really do change. I have to warn you it's kind of hard to watch.

Cardboard Courage
From PlusSizeBirth

Because loving your body is important. I adore so many of these lovely women.

Get Upright and Follow Urges to Push 
From Mother's Advocate

This video is a wonderful visual for positions to push in.  

Homebirth Photography in the foothills of Denver

from Jennifer Mason


A wonderful video of a homebirth in the Colorado Foothills with some local midwives and a sibling doula!

Visit Jennifer on Facebook.

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